Employee Wellbeing
Employee Training Topics:
We offer a variety of employee training topics and workshops that will help your employees flourish personally and professionally. Bespoke training and workshops can also be created to suit your workplace needs.
Know your own Strength
Boost confidence and motivation by helping employees connect to their unique character strengths. This training will help employees understand how to use 24 character strengths to achieve their goals, overcome challenges and improve relationships.
Managing imposter syndrome
Understand how the psychological mind works, and how and why imposter syndrome shows up. Learn tips and techniques to effectively manage it so it doesn’t hold employees back from achieving their full potential.
Burnout Prevention
Help employees understand the symptoms of burnout and learn practical tools and strategies so they can look after themselves and others in the workplace.
Goal-setting for wellbeing, happiness and success
The types of goals people set for themselves can determine whether or not they achieve a successful outcome. In this training, employees will learn the science of goal-setting and understand how to set and achieve goals that matter to them.
Sitting is the new smoking
This training shares the startling evidence from recent research that shows the damaging effects of sitting at screens for long periods of time. Employees will also learn practical tips for moving more throughout the day.
Winter Wellbeing
Help employees look after themselves through the dark, cold months of winter to help protect themselves against Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This training shares science-backed strategies for boosting mood and wellbeing.
The Power of Positive Emotions
Positive emotions have huge power in the workplace to boost creativity, health, happiness and teamwork. They also help lower stress and improve job satisfaction. This fun training explores emotions such as gratitude, humour and personal pride, and invites employees to become positive energy boosters.
Take a Break
Disengagement from work is as important as engagement. This training shares the importance of psychologically disengaging from work and offers practical strategies for doing so.
Weekend Wellbeing
Share the science of wellbeing with your employees and empower them to make the most of their weekend down-time, helping them switch-off from work and feel amazing.
Consulting Expertise
Enable courageous and responsible VUCA-ready leaders who can inspire exceptional performance, wellbeing, learning and growth.
Leadership Development
Corporate Crusade offer a range of workplace training and workshops for management that can be delivered in person or virtually.
Employee Wellbeing
We offer a variety of employee training topics and workshops that will help your employees flourish personally and professionally.
Workplace Coaching
Coaching in the workplace is a proven way of increasing engagement, performance and wellbeing.